Can You Build a Better Glock?
Lone Wolf Distributors has re-vamped and re-released their new Timberwolf Glock frame
Lone Wolf Distributors has re-vamped and re-released their new Timberwolf Glock frame
The most concerning part for me was upon further inspection of the box it came out of, had a few more the same.
Think you are a good shot, great trigger control or quick draw McGraw? Do you think you are consistent and accurate? So did I… until I tried the Mantis X10 Elite…
Do you have cross eye dominance? Astigmatism? Get headaches trying to balance between focal planes of Target and sights?
Pt. 3: Children are dying… and other terrifying things.
We set out to see if we could make an off the shelf Smith & Wesson M&P-15 Sport II “Just as Good” as rifles that are double and triple the cost.
M&P Project continues with some explanation and (hopefully) assistance in decision making.
Night Vision beats Full Auto and you can’t change my mind.
buying your first AR-15 and the mad dash to assemble a “badass” rifle and see if it competes with something “higher end.”
A brief history and explanation of holding long guns… so you can troll and comment better.
Build your own Agency Pistol at Home
You’re Gonna Die… more likely from arguing about tourniquets than real life but… *shrug emoji*
One of the most common upgrades to just about any pistol but especially Glock is the sights. But will new sights make you a better shooter?
For those finding themselves here wondering… here’s some nuggets of info that will hopefully help you make a decision.
Ever had an attachment to your first pistol? Never sell it but you have moved well beyond shooting it? Sometimes it can have unforeseen benefits or revive an old spark.
Ever Wonder if the Downloadable Targets are any good? Here’s a few I really like.